Saint Boniface Cathedral and Cemetary

1894 the fifth church on this site was built, the first was 1818. The Cathedral burnt down in 1968. The sixth and current church was built in 1971 and the ruins were incorporated into the new design. The bells ring out from high up on the wall of the Cathedral. 180 avenue de la Cathédrale,... Continue Reading →

Fort Gibraltar

Fort Gibraltar is located at 866 St Joseph Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The current fort is a reconstruction that was built in the 1970's and has been the center of the winter celebration, Festival du Voyageur. The fort was originally built near to where the Red and Assiniboine Rivers intersect. The Northwest and Hudson... Continue Reading →


After a little more then five weeks on this project, I am very happy to share this Photo Video with everyone. This is a collection of photographs I took through out 2021. Most of the photos are from walks with Brandy in parks from around southern Manitoba. Making this collection Brandy and I spent a... Continue Reading →

Riverbend Dairy Farm

George and Lil Gobert ran the Riverbend Dairy Farm in South St. Vital while raising four children. The cows were sold off in 1975 and they continued to farm grain on the land until 2008. Tours of the farm were given to students for many years. George passed away in 2012 and then in 2021,... Continue Reading →

Is Brandy A Criminal?

Yesterday we had a surprise visitor, a young lady from Animal Services. Now since the pandemic started we haven’t received many visitors. For some reason we didn’t think we were going to break out the sweet tea and cookies. She was very polite and asks to talk to the dog owner, how does someone own... Continue Reading →

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