The Forks Market Winnipeg

Enjoy this Photo Gallery From The Forks Market Winnipeg.

On the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers The Forks has been a meeting place for 6,000 years.

The Nakoda (Assiniboins), CreeAnishinaabe (Ojibwa) and Sioux (Dakota) peoples were the first peoples to use the area for hunting and fishing as well as a rest spot as they travelled from the northern forests to the southern plains. A smallpox epidemic in 1781–1782 took the lives of 1000 aboriginal men, women and children. Half the aboriginal population was lost and buried in The Old Aboriginal Graveyard at The Forks, on the north bank of the Red River.

In the early to mid 1700’s European fur trades established a trade network with the local peoples. Several forts were built in the area and operated as trading posts. For sixty years the Hudson’s Bay Company and North West Company were the largest fur trading companies in the area.

In the 1860’s the railway expanded trade in the area to include markets like the growing grain production. Building like The Johnson Terminal and The Manitoba Children’s Museum are from that period, originally used by local Railroad companies.

Located at 1 Forks Market Road, The Forks is open 7 days a week. This collection of restaurants and retail outlets occupies what was once horse stables and hayloft.

The Shops of The Forks Market

Simon’s Steaks
The Loving Barbers Company
Skekhkman Furs
Fusian Sushi
Kyu Grill
Phantom Amusement

Johnston Terminal

The Old Spaghetti Factory
Pulse Gallery
Global Connection

Antique Mall

City TV
Manitoba Theatre for Young People

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